The Octagon Rouges Gallery.

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Vince Caira,  Gordon Thomson, &  Colin Russell, 

Pictured here after achieving 3rd Dan.


  Octagon Karate Group

Welcome to the Octagon Karate Group Photo Page.

I'm sure you will agree that it takes hard work and sacrifice to achieve what you want from Karate. This page is designed so those who made those sacrifices can sit down and look back on the years of pain and enjoy in the comfort of your own home some of the events from their past.  I can assure you some of the guys and girls on this page can inflict a lot of pain.

Would you like to add a Photo, Were you part of the early years.

Contact Webmaster


Oh my god, What can I say.

Ryan Dutch, Vince Caira, Terry O'Neil,  Gordon Thomson,  Stevie Spittal,  Andy Rettie. Well what can I say no need for grades here simply the best, Only Tam Taylor,  James Grieve,   And of course Tam Galloway missing to make this picture the most dangerous bunch of guys you have ever seen.

Some of the club members.


Vinnies little angels.

Meaning Business


To much hilarity

Tamg: Webmaster

What aboot the haircut!!!
Aint no job to tough for this wee cookie, I can build it yes I can. Speak to me at the training. I`m sure you will agree with my fee after a wee spar.

The site is coming along slow but sure more and more to put on every day, So if your part of the Octagon or a blast fae the past and you want to add a picky or to please feel free. Contact me at,


The pictures you see on this page are a tribute to years of hard work and discipline. I as the webmaster must add that I personally oh a lot to the likes of James Grieve, Andy Rettie, Steven Spittal, Tam Taylor and many many more who I have trained and fought with over the years.

I would also like to thank Roy steele (Red Gate Karate Group)


What do you think?

Please let me know by sending me some mail.

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