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The History Of Wadoryu-Kai

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The History of Wadoryu Karate.

The "Wado" story officially began in May 1934 when Hironori Ohtsuka registered his own style of Karate, which he called "Wado Ryu" and was recognized as an independent style. However, its origins were developed by Ohtsuka's continuous study of all martial arts, formulating the "Wado" techniques by combining his own innovations and natural movements found in the other martial arts.

The full "Wado" story began on 1st June 1892 when Hironori Ohtsuka was born. He was born in Shimodate City, Ibaragi, Japan, the first son of Dr. Tokuiuro Ohtsuka, a Doctor of Medicine. Ohtsuka was first introduced to the Martial Arts by his great uncle Chojiro Ebashi who began teaching him Jujitsu. This marked the starting point of his life-long fascination and obsession with the Martial Arts.

On the 1st April 1897 Ohtsuka started school where he studied Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujitsu, under the supervision of Shinzaburo Nakayama Sensei, the third Grand Master of this style of Jujitsu. The essence of this art lays emphasis upon the nature and the grace of movement. It was originally inspired by Yoshitoki Akiyama Sensei after observing how the willow tree laden with snow yielded to the elements of nature, yet maintained its versatility and flexibility to outside forces without damage. This study of movement impressed upon the young Ohtsuka the importance of natural flowing movements. These lessons play a major part in today's "Wado" karate. In defense and attacking techniques the use of the opponent's body and weight and movement play an equally significant role in defeating your enemy as your own body movements,

Ohtsuka continued his studies of Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujitsu whilst at Waseda University from 1910 to 1917 reading commerce. Ohtsuka also studied different styles of Jujitsu, experimenting between styles concentrating on their "positive quality". During his period at University he was able to examine the techniques of most Martial Arts. He developed and improved certain techniques of the existing arts combining them with other "innovative" techniques. Whilst studying Jujitsu, Ohtsuka learned a great deal about the body's "vital points" both for attacking and healing purposes, he also studied the art of "bone setting".

In 1917 Ohtsuka joined the Kawasaki Bank, during the year he met Morihei Ueshiba Sensei, the founder of Aikido and this began a deep founded influential friendship. After two years at the bank Ohtsuka Sensei decided to become a full time Martial Artist. His mother, however, opposed this, wishing her son to continue his career in banking. Out of respect for this mother and family he postponed his ambitions, but continued to study Jujitsu.

Ohtsuka was awarded on 1st June 1920 the highest degree of Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujitsu, which allowed him to succeed his master's position as fourth Grand Master.

The 1922 sports festival in Tokyo was to continue his obsession with all Martial Arts. For the first time Ohtsuka was to encounter Karate. Gichin Funakoshi Sensei was invited by the Japanese Education Department to demonstrate his style of Okinawan Karate (Tode). Kano Sensei, a renowned Martial Arts Instructor, accepted that the spirit behind karate was the same as Japanese Martial Arts, which served to promote its message and style.

Ohtsuka was impressed with this newly promoted Martial Art. He visited Funakoshi Sensei on numerous occasions during his stay, discussing techniques and other aspects of Karate. Funakoshi Sensei prolonged his visit by invitation from the Japanese Education department. He was "impressed" by Ohtsuka's enthusiasm and determination to understand Karate and agreed to teach him all he knew about Karate. Within the space of a year Ohtsuka Sensei had studied all the Katas that Funakoshi had brought from Okinawa, although he found certain movements and techniques difficult to implement and understand. This led Ohtsuka in his search for a deeper understanding of Karate to practice Kata with Mabuni Sensei the founder of Shuto-Ryu Karate.

In 1925 Ohtsuka's mother died and he was left in a period of indecision about his career. After three years of deep philosophical thought, he left the Kawasaki Bank and set up a "bone setting" practice, similar to a small hospital. His prowess in the Martial Arts had led him to be the Chief Instructor of Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujitsu and an assistant instructor at Funakoshi Sensei's dojo. By the year 1929 Ohtsuka was a registered member of the Japan Martial Arts Federation. At this time Okinawan Karate only concentrated upon Kata, Ohtsuka thought that the full spirit of Budo, which concentrates both upon defense and attack, was missing. Ohtsuka Sensei meanwhile had been developing Yakusoko Kumite to compensate for the lack of attacking techniques. He thought there was a need for a more fluid type of Karate and decided to leave Funakoshi Sensei to concentrate on developing his own style of Karate, "Wado".

The year of 1934 proved to be a major year for Ohtsuka and "Wado" Karate. On February 28th Ohtsuka the 2nd was born. It is uncanny that during this year Wado-Ryu Karate was also "born" and officially recognised to be an independent style. This recognition meant a departure for Ohtsuka from his hospital and a fulfillment of his life's ambition, to become a full time Martial Artist. In 1935 Karate received a further promotion upon Kano Sensei's recommendation to be accepted as a Martial Art, but at first only as an extension of Judo by the Japan Martial Arts Federation.

Ohtsuka Sensei's personalised style of Karate was officially registered in 1938 after he was awarded the rank of "Renshi-go". He presented a magnificent demonstration of "Wado" Karate for the Japan Martial Arts Federation who were impressed with his style and commitment and successfully acknowledged him as a high ranking instructor. The next year the Japan Martial Arts Federation asked all the different styles of Karate to register their names. Ohtsuka registered the name of "Wado-Ryu". Other styles to register included Shotokan Ryu, Goju Ryu and Shito-Ryu. The next few years witnessed Wado Ryu karate growing from strength to strength, new dojos were opening and karate was being taught at the Universities. Ohtsuka himself was becoming a recognised figure within the World of Martial Arts. In 1942 he was awarded the title of Kyoshi-go. During that year a future great master Tatsuo Suzuki began training in Wado-Ryu Karate. In 1943 Ohtsuka the 2nd began his pursuits in the field of the Martial Arts. He began Kendo under the strict instruction of an army officer called Miyata Sensei. In 1944 Ohtsuka Sensei was appointed Japans Chief Karate instructor and in 1945 Ohtsuka the 2nd began to receive expert instruction from his father. In 1947 Teruo Kono began Karate but did not start training with Ohtsuka Sensei until 1951 and in 1955 the first all Japan Wado-Ryu Karate championships were held.

Until the 1960s Martial Arts and especially Wado-Ryu karate remained upon the small islands of Japan. It was hardly recognised outside of the East. This was soon to change. In 1963 a three-man team left Japan to conquer America and Europe. The team was composed of Mr. Arakawa, Mr Takashima and Mr. T. Suzuki. The impressions they left upon America and Europe were tremendous, Wado-Ryu Karate became recognised worldwide for its true merits.

Back in Japan in 1966 Ohtsuka Sensei was awarded the title "Kun Goto Suokuo Kyoku jujitsu Shou" by the late Emperor Horohito. It was presented by the Emperor for his dedication to the introduction and teaching of karate.

By the early 1970s karate had become truly established worldwide. Ohtsuka continued to train and instruct in Japan, whilst a team of highly qualified Japanese Sensei's continued to spread the doctrines of Wado-Ryu Karate worldwide.

Ohtsuka Sensei in 1972 was historically awarded with an honor never before bestowed upon any Karate master, the president of the International Martial Arts Federation, a member of the Japanese royal family, presented Ohtsuka with the title of "Meijin" - the first excellent Marital Artist in Karate (10th Dan) it was the greatest title possible and bestowed upon him.

In 1980 Ohtsuka Meijin began to think about retirement as the head of Wado Karate and wanted his son to succeed him as Grand Master. However other high level Wado Karateka were not in favor of this and wished for a different leader to be appointed. Although many negotiations took place no agreement could be reached and some of these Wado Karateka broke away and formed their own association (Wado-Kai).

Ohtsuka Meijin continued to lead the World of Wado-Ryu Karate until the 20th November 1981, when he finally decided to abdicate his possession as Grand Master of Wado-Ryu Karate and nominated his son Hironori Ohtsuka 2nd as his successor. Hironori Ohtsuka Meijin peacefully passed away on 19th January 1982, two months later. Throughout the entire world where Marital Arts are practiced he will always be remembered for his enormous contribution and individual devotion to Wado Karate.
Hironori Ohtsuka.

History of Wadoryu/Kai, Karate

  (A Closer Look)  

Let us look at the history of Wadoryu karate which we are training today more in details. Wadoryu karate was founded by late Ohtsuka Hironori (1892-1982). Ohtsuka trained Shindo Yoshinryu jujutsu under Nakayama Tatsusaburo (a kendo instructor, 1870-1933) in his school days (ca. 1906-1911) and other jujutsu schools while he was a student at Waseda University in Tokyo. Among others he studied Yoshin Koryu jujutsu from Kanaya Motoo (ca. 1919-1921) according to Dr. Fujiwara.

He started training karate under Funakoshi Gichin (the founder of Shotokanryu, 1868-1957) who arrived in Tokyo from Okinawa in 1922. He studied Karate even from Mabuni Kenwa (the founder of Shitoryu Karate, 1889-1952) who came from Okinawa and stayed in Tokyo 1928-1929. Ohtsuka studied even from Motobu Choki (1870-1944) from Okinawa (especially Naifanchi Kata of Wadoryu). According to my research Ohtsuka was with Funakoshi until 1935.

We can summarize that Wadoryu Karate is based on that from Okinawa, but influenced by jujutsu and kendo way of thinking.

1934 Ohtsuka started his own school under the name of Dai Nippon Karate Shinko Club (Dai = great, Nippon = Japan, Shinko = to promote). This is generally regarded as the origin of Wadokai. Wado World Cup in Tokyo, in August 1999, was supposed to be the 65 years anniversary of Wadokai.  

1935 ’Karatedo Kyohan’ (by Funakoshi Gichin) was published. This is Funakoshi’s third book. (after ’Ryukyu Kenpo Karate’ 1922 and ’Rentan Goshin Karatejutsu’ 1925). Ohtsuka is in this book showing some pair techniques. Look at the pictures on the right. These are the first pictures of Ohtsuka published in a book.

1938 Dai Nippon Karate Shinbukai (Dai=great, Nippon=Japan, Shinbu=to promote Bu, kai=association) was organized.

The chief instructor was Ohtsuka Hironori, the chairman Eriguchi Eiichi. It is generally said that Eriguchi found the name Wadoryu.


Wa = softness, status of being mixed together, soften, calm, to harmonize, to add, Japanese
Do = way
Ryu = style, school

From ’Karatedo Kyohan’ by Funakoshi Gichin, 1935. In the pictures above Funakoshi Gichin demonstrates Idori technique (defense in sitting position) against Ohtsuka Hironori. In the pictures below Ohtsuka shows Tantodori (defense against knife attack against Shimizu Toshiyuki.

Wa means various. But in the beginning the idea of being Japanese different from Okinawa may have been predominant. Japan was in war against China.

In some occasions in the past the letter Wa was used to mean jujutsu (for example Shoshouryu Yawara-jujutsu).

1938 Nakasone Genwa wrote a gigantic book ’Karatedo Tai-kan’(414 pages). Ohtsuka shows 7 Tantodori techniques (defense against knife attacks, in this book it is called Tanken-tori - Omote) against Kato Toshio. The pictures on the right shows Udegarami-dori.

1940 Wadoryu Karatejutsu was registered at Butokukai, Kyoto for the demonstration of various Budo, together with Shotokanryu, Shitoryu and Gojuryu. This occasion is regarded as the first official naming of Karate styles. In next page I will present the content of this registration.

From ’Karatedo Taikan’ by Nakasone Genwa, 1938. Tantodori by Ohtsuka Hironori and Kato Toshio

Technical System of Wadoryu
By Dr. Fujiwara, presented in ’Wadokai 60 years’

Registered at Butokukai, Kyoto (1939) and revision at Tojo Butokukai, (T.B.)
(1942 - 1945)

Tandoku Enrengata 9 Kata
Pinan: Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, Godan Kushanku, Naihanchi, Seishan, Chinto (T.B. - Wanshu, Bassai, Jitte, Jion, Niseishi, Rohai, Suparinpei)

Kihon Kumite 36

Jodanuke 10 (Omote, Ura)
Chudanuke 10 (Omote, Ura)
Gedanuke 6 (Harai, Kosa, Morote, Hasamite)
Nidan Henka 6 (Omote, Ura)
Sandan Henka 4 (Omote, Ura)

3 techniques more than Shotokanryu

Idorigata 6

Maedori 4 (Shin no Kurai, Soedori, Gozendori, Kinshadori) Ushirodori 2 (Kabedori, Watashidori)
(T.B. - Tobichigaidori, Nukimi no Metsukedori, Kojirikaeshidori, Ryotedori) From Shindo Yoshinryu

Tachiai 10

Udeotoshi, Seotoshi, Eriotoshi, Sodeotoshi, Ashiguruma, Koshiguruma, Kataguruma, Hikiotoshi, Karisute, Kinukuguri
From Shindo Yoshinryu, Tehodoki, Nagekaeshi, Shodan Tachiai
(T.B. - Deashigari, Osotogari, Kosotogari, Ouchigari, Kouchigari, Seoinage, Ushirogoshi, Taiotoshi, Haraigoshi, Uchimata, Yokootoshi, Sumikaeshi, Oguruma, Yokogake)

Yakusoku Kumuitegata 10
Present Yakusoku Kumite

Ohyogata 10

mixture of Kihon Kumite and Tachiaigata

Tantodori 5

Udegaramidori, Kotenagedori, Ungadori, Erinagedori, Zudori, Hikitatedori, Hikiotoshidori

Shindo Yoshinryu Nagekaeshi
(T.B. - 7)
Tachidori - Shinken Shirahadori

Jodan, Kesa, Do, Tsuki, Kote, Nagi (T.B. - Jodandori, Chudandori, Gedandori, Wakigamaedori, Hassodori)

Kassatsu Jizaigata 5

(Saving and killing techniques)

Suikatsu, Rakukatsu, Oukatsu, Yukatsu, Enkatsu, Toukatsu, Dakatsu Shindo Yoshinryu (T.B. - 7)

Rataidori 3

(Naked techniques)
Maedori, Yokodori, Ushirodori, Shindo Yoshinryu

Keisatsu Taihojutsu 14

(Arresting techniques for policemen)
Tehodoki 2, Kansetsuwaza 3, Nagewaza 5, Osaewaza 4, Revised from Shindo Yoshinryu

Joshi Goshinjutsu 14

(Selfdefence techniques for women)

Maedori 6, Yokodori 2, Ushirodori 3, Osaedori 4

Revised from Funakoshi Gichin

The techniques registered at Butokukai in 1939 are very comprehensive comparing with those that are practiced today. It had to be this way in order to be accepted as a style as Japanese bujutsu.

1941-1945 Japan was involved in the Second World War. Karate activities went down during this period.

1948 Zen Nippon Karate Renmei (ZNKR-All Japan Karate Federation) was started only by Wado group at the same time as Shotokan started Japan Karate Association (JKA). Each style organization was working independently.

From ’ Karatejutsu no Kenkyu’ 1955 by Ohtsuka Hironori. Techniques from Pinan Shodan

1955 Karatejutsu no Kenkyu’ (Kenkyu=study) was published based on ’Karatejutsu Oboegai’ (Oboegai=Memorandum, 1949 by Tokyo University Karate Club). The book presents 9 Wadoryu Katas. This became the base for ’Karatedo Vol.1’ by Ohtsuka 1970.

From the Bulletin of Wadokai 1955. Ohtsuka shows Junzuki

ZNKR started to publish bulletin for members. Editor was the general secretary Ishizuka Akira. ZNKR seems to be the only karate organization that had such a bulletin.

1964 Official all style Zen Nippon Karatedo Renmei (FAJKO) was started. No private organization should use the name All Japan. Wadokai gained the name FAJKO Wadokai - today JKF-Wadokai (Japan Karate Federation Wadokai) because Wadokai has a close co-operation with JKF, the official federation in Japan.

1970 ’Karatedo Vol.1’ by Ohtsuka was published. He presents 9 Wadoryu Katas (Pinan-5, Naifanchi, Seishan, Kushanku and Chinto). He declared in his book that Wadokai had these 9 Katas and nothing more. If you study a Kata deeply and carefully, then 9 Katas are already very many. That is my impression. 9 Wadoryu Katas were finally standardized by this book.

From ’Karatedo Vol.1’ by Ohtsuka 1970. Movements in Pinan Shodan

But especially in Europe some instructors taught other Katas (Bassai, Jion, Jitte, Niseishi and Rohai) though they were not official in Wadokai. Maybe because more Katas were needed considering the competitive situation against other styles. But this caused a sort of turbulence in Wado Katas. In some FEW competitions we could see for example four or five different Bassai Katas. Today Wadokai has standardized these Katas.

Wadoryu Katas and the influence

Pinan Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, Godan
(Ohtsuka studied Pinan Katas from Funakoshi - Funakoshi was called Pinan Sensei in Tokyo, but rearranged after Mabuni and some idea from Shindo Yoshinryu.)
Funakoshi Mabuni  

(Ohtsuka says that he has taken Motobus Naifanchi. But there is a slight difference from Motobus Naifanchi.)


(It is obvious that Ohtsuka has taken Shotokan Seishan (today Hangetsu). In no other style Seishan is performed in this way.)

Kushanku Funakoshi Mabuni  
(Both Kushanku and Chinto are similar in Shitoryu and Shotokan. These should be classified as Itosu Kushanku and Itosu Chinto.)
Funakoshi Mabuni  

(Bassai Kata of Shitoryu, Shotokan and Wadoryu are in the same stream - Itosu Bassai. But Wado Bassai is a direct heritage from Shotokan.)


Jion, Jitte
(Jitte, Jion and Jiin seem to be Katas of similar type. These Katas in Shitoryu and Shotokan are similar.)

Funakoshi Mabuni  
(Ohtsuka may have studied Niseishi from Funakoshi first, but adjusted later to Shitoryu way.)
(This is Itosu Rohai. Wado Rohai is Rohai Shodan, while Shotokan Meikyo is Rohai Nidan.)

(It is probable that Ohtuska did not make much change in this Kata from Funakoshi.)


1981 Some months before Ohtsuka's death, one group with Ohtsuka's son Jiro as its chief was split from Wadokai. This split group is called Wadoryu Renmei. But this group is regarded as a private group in Japan.

1989 a new split has occurred from Wadoryu Renmei. Suzuki Tatsuo, resident in London, split from Wadoryu Renmei and started his private group International Wadoryu Federation. Today, Wadoryu Karate is trained in three different organizations, but Wadokai is by far the biggest and is a consisting member of JKF. In this way Wadokai is the organization that has a close co-operation with JKF and WKF (World Karate Federation).

1994 Wado World Cup in Budokan, Tokyo

1999 Wado World Cup in Budokan, Tokyo  

History Courtesy of, Shingo Ohgami..... www.wadokai.se


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